Genset is a Generating Set, is a source of electricity reserves that serve as a source of electrical power when main power replacement/PLN died. Given the current state of frequent power outages that result in the stopping activities of equipment using electrical power.
Since the genset as a substitute for electricity outages, to hasten the PLN genset must be in good condition/ready to use. As for the genset is good/should be ready to use condition is met in the circumstances of life, such as: frequency, voltage, power supply, charger charging. For that to be done checking as often as possible. The relationship of these conditions above are:
-Frequency range: 50 Hz Lazio should s/d 55 Hz, because when out of range, it will damage the equipment that uses electrical current.
-The voltage must be in the position; 220V/380V/1phase or 3 phase (phase RST must be balanced), because if the lower, electrical equipment not functioning optimally, if a higher voltage, the electrical equipment will be damaged/burned.
-Power supply/Accu has to be ready on the position of the normal voltage and amperage (unable to start engine genset).
– Charger Charging must be functioning properly, so that by the time the Jet set life, the process of charging to the Accu has to qualify/normal.
Lacking its normal functions of a part of the Jet set above is a result of komponen2 of genset units requiring maintenance/replacement parts, such as: Nozlle, Bush Pump, Solar Filters, Oil Filters, AVR, dl
Kerusakan2 in General on the genset silent, which requires treatment by expert technicians, such as:
Dinamo-Stater is not working or working slowly
-The machine is not on/off immediately
-The machine does not run properly, the ignition output garbled or no maximum
-Black smoke in exhaust
-Blue Smoke in exhaust
-White smoke in exhaust
-The machine reads not normal
Engine misfire
-Heat engine
Oil-pressure drop
Genset panel lights do not light up when the machine is turned off
Genset panel lights light up when the engine
-The engine but does not flow out
-Rembes/Oil leak in the engine
-The machine does not switch on
Various maintenance jobs genset
Top Overhaul Job Scope:
1. Service and replacement parts in the cylinder head
2. The replacement nozzle
3. solar filter Replacement oil filter and
4. Checking of electrical system
5. Check cooling system
6. Replacement of engine oil
Semi Overhaul Job Scope:
1. Replacement parts cyl head
2. Replacement of conrod bearings
3. Replacement of piston ring
4. Checking kit set (liner and piston)
5. Calibration of injection pump
6. Replacement nozzle
7. Replacement filter filter diesel and fuel oil
8. radiator Service
9. Service turbo
10. Service water pump
11. Cleaning of the air filter
12. Check the Dynamo stater
13. Check the Dynamo charger
14. Wiring and electrical
15. Replacement of engine oil
General Overhaul Work Scope:
1. Replacement parts cyl head
2. Replacement of piston
3. Replacement liner
4. Replacement of the conrod bearings
5. Replacement of main bearing
6. Replacement shaft seal front and back
7. Replacement of plunger and delivery valve injection pump
8. Replacement nozzle
9. Service turbo
10. Service the cooling system
11. The replacement of all filters
12. Service Dynamo stater
13. Service Dynamo charger
14. Check generator
15. Pengecetan generator
16. Wiring and protect system
17. Cleaning the fuel tank
18. Replacement of engine oil