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Differences Acrylic with Glass

cutting sticker- Jual Acrylic lembaran is a polymethyl methacrylate in the form of a synthetic polymer of methyl methacrylate which is melt when heated and its surface is transparent. PMMA (polymethyl metacrylate) is transparent, attractive for decoration, and safe for food process. The main characteristic of acrylic material (acrylic) is its transparent clear color. Not only is it clear, PMMA also absorbs very little light through the media.

Herein lies the main optical difference between glass and acrylic. Although clear, the glass absorbs the incoming light so that the thicker the glass, the less light that can pass through it, the transparency is reduced. While acrylic, the absorption of light that occurs is so small that although thickness increases, its transparency does not change much.

In addition, the glass is more brittle when compared with acrylic. Acrylic is more elastic, so it is technically more susceptible to dynamic water pressure hits. In addition, the disadvantage is the glass will be mossy, while on the acrylic is not. The difference is all this makes the giant aquariums do not use glass, but acrylic.

Some of the traits or characteristics that acrylics possess:

Clear and transparent

Strong, supple and durable

Safe for food, because it does not allow the development of microorganisms

Can be formed into various types of forms are very diverse

It has a lighter weight than glass

Price is relatively cheap from glass

Lots of products and work that can be made with acrylic base material. In the printing industry and acrylic specialists, acrylic is used for building signage / store, lettertimbul, plaque, podium, brochure, sign wall / display poster, photo frame, key ring and so on.

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