- In addition to table dining material that must be considered, the thing that is not less is the size of the room. It is important to measure how much you are, especially if the dining room is small.
"We recommend that the small dining room does not use a table that is too large, or vice versa, a large dining room should not use a dining table that is too small. Therefore, it will affect the atmosphere in it, "said interior designer Susan Octari Yauwhan in Jakarta.
ila you use a rectangular table in a narrow dining room, it will have a narrow effect and very take place. One thing that is important in placing a table, that you must be able to walk and move between the table and chair.
The next stage is the selection of the table. There are several rules in determining the form of a dining table that fits with the room. For a small space, you should select an oval-shaped table to make available space and does not make the room look too crowded.
"The square-shaped dining table fits perfectly into the small space, then the rectangles fit better in the larger room. For a round table, it is very fitting placed in any room, but should not be in a narrow place, "said Susan.
Susan mentioned, a simple and equally simple square dining table would look more attractive if placed in a tiny dining room. This dining table can create intimacy between you and other family members while enjoying breakfast or dinner. However, do not choose this table if your dining room is long because it will create a slightly "weird" impression.
Meanwhile, for a slightly elongated room can use a dining table with a rectangular shape. In addition to looking more balanced, this table is also able to accommodate many family members.
"The circle-shaped table can make the atmosphere to eat with family members feel warmer because this table has a central shape. Just like the ellipse shape. Only, the ellipse looks a bit more formal, "Susan said.
Elizabeth chimed in, the dining table has a fairly varying height, between 28-30 inches. The most ideal table height, which is between the knees and the elbows. That way, eating activities will feel more comfortable. As for the width, fine
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