Snow tubes wash or mesin steam is a tool that serves to produce more snow foam expands and overflows. Snow tubes wash need wind power resources that come from the compressor and indicator (water) used to produce snow foam for vehicle washing process. Automatic pipe system, structuring and Replenishing Shampoo with separate pump, Pump Material Stainless valve automatic wind, comes in handy to dispose of the wind if the capacity of the suply to excessive wind (as a sign of excessive wind due reminders cause the sound of Fizz), and has wheels so easily moved about. By using this tool makes it easy and saving activities in washing the vehicle.
How To Use:
Connect the output of the compressor to the input tube snow with a hose that is available in the package. Stir a shampoo in a bucket with a comparison of 100 ml to 15 liters of water and slowly to the input ball-valve tube top and lid. Slow wind input from the compressor to the tubes thoroughly and note the pressure in the tubes on a pressure gauge is available. Shampoos work at pressure 3-4 bar and are ready sprayed. DON'T OVER 5 BAR AS IT WILL DAMAGE the tube. Shampoo is ready to use by opening the ball valve and menyemprotkannya.
How to take care of the tube snow wash
Snow tubes in order to wash durable and can be used for a long period of time, then make sure the things below:
Wash and pat dry the body Tube Snow Wash once completed to be used.
Eject wind pressure of Snow in a tube Wash, passing tap input (intake) shampoo and leave faucet open, don't forget to close the faucets winds that connect between the tubes with the compressor wind.
Do not pull or drag the tube, because what if this tube in drag would be scratched by sharp objects and can cause a leak in the tube.
If components of the accessories on the tube Snow Wash already can not work normally, immediately do the turn. These components can be purchased at a store nearby material.
If there is a leak in the tube, take the tube to las workshop can do welding stainless steel.
Do not rotate the seat wind pressure on the tube, as this could result in the seat does not work.
How to choose a good Wash/Snow Quality:
In order to be spared from natural disasters or accidents while using the tube snow wash it's good knowing your standard snow a good wash and quality i.e. tube snow tube has a thickness of wash at least 1.5 mm, in complete with regulators, and tebuat tubes from stainless steel. read: mesin diesel